4 Simple Strategies For Keeping Calm During a Crisis

4 Simple Strategies For Keeping Calm During a Crisis

Life is full of unknowns, making it critical to find ways to keep calm during a crisis. Let’s face it, we all react differently during moments of crisis. Some of us freeze, develop anxiety attacks, go blank, or develop chronic stress.

While there’s no right or wrong way to respond to turmoil in your life, there are effective strategies sure to keep you calm during a crisis. 

No matter the problem you’re going through, these six tips will help you feel settled even at your worst.

Calm Your Physical Body

Regardless of the situation you face, crises always cause shock, overthinking, and sometimes less than desirable reactions. When dealing with problems, it is better to calm your physical body to ensure your mind settles and it can think. While there’s an on-going debate on hemp oil vs. CBD oil and their ability to calm nerves down, below are some tried and tested methods.


When done correctly, breathing helps manage anxiety attacks and emotional situations effectively. When you want to stay calm during a crisis, you must focus on breathing. During anxious moments, we often take short, quick breaths that hamper our ability to calm down.

Using the three-part technique, you can immediately improve your mood and feel calmer. Here’s how it goes:

  • Take a once off deep breath and exhale
  • Continue Inhaling and exhaling at the equal intervals
  • Start taking in fewer breaths and exhaling more

Challenge Your Thought Pattern

Most dead-end situations begin in your mind. The things you continuously think about become part of you and influence your behavior. If you always think about worrying cases, you’ll never experience total calmness in your life.

Instead, focus on becoming a more positive person both mentally and in your actions, and you’ll feel calmer even during problems.


Fear, despair, and hurt tucked up inside do you no justice. In fact, such negative emotions are toxic to your overall health.

Finding suitable ways to release all the tension is an effective way of physically calming your body. You can run, jog or engage in an activity that will help you progressively calm down and express yourself.

Listen to music

Music is food for the soul, and it often has a healing effect when you connect with the lyrics. Listening to smooth rhythms and awesome beats helps prevent the tension and stress from building up during turmoil.

Take a Step Back to Stay Calm During a Crisis

When facing a crisis head-on, you hardly have sufficient knowledge, let alone the skill to tackle it to completion. Instead of allowing yourself to suffer, it is best to get out of the situation first and think later.

After you’re out, you now have the chance to critically reflect on what you can or should have done during the periods of crisis.

Distractions sometimes offer the best option of getting your mind off problems. Go for a run or watch your favorite TV show to try and keep your thoughts occupied.

Look for Solutions to Your Crisis

When a crisis hits, some see the opportunity, while others look at it as a disaster. When you’re optimistic, you’ll realize that it’s a chance to look for new solutions for the problems you currently face or seek readily available remedies.

Through simple research, you can derive a lot of valuable information that may be of help to your current predicament.

The easiest way to get instant results from your efforts is:

Start Broad, and Narrow down.

Although a crisis may seem too far out of reach to you, the solution may lie on the first page of Google or Wikipedia. When there’s no sign of any useful findings, go deeper into your research and use advanced methods to find viable solutions.

Be Organized

Useful research relies on having an organized mindset. You can’t be undertaking non-essential matters like chatting and social media and expect to keep the focus.

Instead, let your moments of perusing be analytical and organized such that the flow is seamless.

Rely on Credible Sources

Before quickly moving to apply any answers you get for your questions, ensure that the information you’re about to implement in real life is accurate. Incorrect details may add fuel to the fire and make the crisis escalate further.

Before incorporating any new solutions, you should always confirm the credibility of this piece of information by verifying it with other reputable sources.

If there’s no record of such information anywhere else on the web, it is better to seek other options.

Expect Weird Answers

When you search the internet and books for answers, expect to find weird solutions to your problems, some you’ve never heard of before. If there’s nothing new under the sun, there must be an answer somewhere for every challenge.

Journaling to Keep You Calm During a Crisis

When you’re amidst a crisis, it may seem like an inopportune time to scribble down anything considering your mind is in a feeble state. The stress, pressure, and anxiety in your mind prevent you from thinking clearly.

However, writing down your intricate feelings, no matter the form or order, helps significantly reduce anxiety and gives you a better perspective.

Whether you use a computer, pad, or just the ordinary pen and paper, here’s how to effectively journal, especially during a crisis:

Start With Your Insecurities

Whenever you think about what you’re going through, specific aspects leave you worried and anxious. Detailing your inner insecurities and expressing them openly and emotionally feels much like talking to someone.

Recall the Moment

Take your mind back to the moment when it all happened. Write down the specific details of how the problem occurred, the part you played, and your first reaction immediately after learning about the catastrophe.

Doing this will help you process the events faster and give you a clearer understanding of the way things occurred and forge a strategy of moving forward.

Come Up with Solutions

After continuous scribbling of emotions and happenings, critically read your work and analyze every scenario deriving useful takeaways and thinking of viable solutions for moving forward with your life.

Besides, the most persuasive form of writing isn’t about total ranting but lessons too.

Final Thoughts

A crisis takes you by surprise, and most times, its effect is significant and felt years down the line. It is hard to focus on anything else other than your safety and that of your loved ones during these tumultuous times.

However, you must be in a state of calm to effectively assist anyone else. Use the above tips to keep the peace regardless of the type of crisis you’re currently battling in your life.

Remember, there’s life beyond every problem.

How Indoor Plants Can Help Relieve Stress

How Indoor Plants Can Help Relieve Stress

One quick way to help relieve stress is by placing indoor plants around your home. We sometimes forget to take care of our own well being yet are very good at encouraging others to do the same. During this particular stressful year, self care is important. By looking after your body and mind, you can boost your confidence and reduce levels of stress and anxiety. You can so small things like introducing plants and flowers around your home to create a sense of calm. 

Treating Yourself to Flowers

Having flower pots or vases filled with flowers are a great way to add some vibrant color and natural fragrance into your home. They can also be extremely uplifting. Do you only purchase flowers for special occasions like birthday flower delivery for a family member or friend? Why not for yourself?

Indoor Plants to Relieve Stress and Lift Your Mood

Certain varieties of flowers and indoor plants can be extremely beneficial in relieveing stress. They can lift your mood instantly in a natural way. 

Chrysanthemums are vibrant and can naturally aid relaxation by reducing your anxiety and stress levels. They improve the quality of air by filtering out toxicity. This in turn can improve your sleep. 

Jasmine plants can also improve you low mood. German scientists at Ruhr University discovered that the fragrance can be more effective than taking prescribed medication to alleviate feelings of anxiety. The jasmine fragrance boosts a chemical in our nervous system called GABA. This chemical enables us to relax and feel less anxious.

Plants that Can Improve Air Quality

An Aloe Vera plant can purify the air quality. The long surface areas of the plant absorb pollutants and carbon dioxide in the air by replacing this with oxygen, particularly at night. It can be particularly helpful to have one in your bedroom to ensure you have good air quality when you sleep. 

Plants to Aid Relaxation

If you want an indoor plant to help you feel more relaxed at night then a Chamomile plant is the optimum choice, It releases a sweet relaxing aroma that helps you have an uninterrupted night’s sleep. Which is certainly something you need when you are feeling stressed. 

Another plant that will aid relaxation is lavender. As a fragrance it is used primarily in beauty products to help you sleep and feel more relaxed, so opting for a small pot of this in your bedroom will certainly help. An active ingredient called terpene linalool is present in lavender which when released in the air, encourages a sense of calm. As well as promoting a relaxing atmosphere it also provides a lovely natural fragrance which is better than using an air freshener which is full of chemicals.   

3 Practical Steps You Can Take to Improve Your Health

3 Practical Steps You Can Take to Improve Your Health

Good health is priceless. Unfortunately, many people don’t prioritize their physical and mental well-being until it is too late. It often takes a grave illness or a critical danger for people to realize just how important good health is.

But this need not be the case for you. Contrary to the common notion, caring for your body doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg or be overly tedious. Building a few essential habits is all it takes to keep your body strong and healthy.

Here are three practical steps you can take to improve your health this year.

Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is a fundamental pillar of good health. Ask any health professional, and they will list numerous benefits that sleep brings to our bodies. From mental relaxation and improved brain function to better immunity and lower susceptibility to lifestyle disease, the benefits of getting enough sleep are many and varied.

Experts recommend that you get about 7-8 hours of sleep every night. In this fast-paced world where people have demanding lifestyles and impossible schedules, getting this much sleep might seem impossible. 

But when you weigh the benefits of getting a good night’s sleep versus spending hours watching mindless television or surfing the net without any purpose, sleep wins with ease.

Make getting enough sleep a priority. Start by sleeping half an hour earlier this week, then increasing the time you spend sleeping gradually. It will work wonders for your health.

Visit the Dentist

The mouth is one of the most-used organs in the body. You use it to talk, eat and even digest some of your food. Therefore, if you want to achieve good health, caring for your mouth is a must.

An essential part of oral health is scheduling regular visits to your dentist. Don’t just go to the dentist when you experience a problem with your mouth; doing so regularly can help prevent those problems in the first place.

If you have broken teeth, the dentist may recommend you get dental crowns. They will also fill up any cavities in your teeth and provide effective solutions for any gum problems. 

The best thing about having strong, beautiful teeth and healthy gums is how much of a confidence boost you get from them. Life is good if you like what you see in the mirror.


If you are like most people, you probably don’t like exercising. After all, who wants to spend endless hours on a treadmill or doing push-ups?

But exercise is excellent for your body and skin and is, therefore, one of the things you simply must do to improve your health. Exercising can be as simple as taking a fifteen-minute walk around your neighborhood or following a workout tutorial at home. 

The notion that exercise is difficult and expensive is a misleading one. Just try simple moves at home to get the blood pumping, and you are good to go.


Caring for your body should be among your topmost priorities in life. There is little joy in any accomplishment if your health is compromised.

You can boost your health tremendously by eating healthy, sleeping enough, and exercising. Don’t forget to visit your dentist regularly as well. It goes a long way in preserving your health.

Tips to Flush Sickness Out of Your Body

Tips to Flush Sickness Out of Your Body

When you’re not feeling well, the goal is to flush sickness out of your body quickly. Let’s face it, getting sick isn’t something any of us will enjoy and it can throw you off whatever you’re doing. Some sicknesses can wipe you off your feet and the sooner you can feel better, the sooner things can get back to normal. With that being said, here are some tips to flush sickness out of your body.

Lots Of Liquid

Liquid is important because your body is mostly made up of water. Sometimes you can simply get sick from not drinking enough water and allowing your body to run itself into the ground as a result. So when it comes to flushing sickness out, it’s good to drink plenty more water than you’re already drinking now. To benefit, aim to drink between half to a full ounce of water for each pound you weigh.

Water can get boring after a while. So consider substituting in hot liquids in the form of tea and also soups. Soups are an ideal choice because they often have healthy ingredients that help to soothe an upset stomach and aches.


Medication can certainly help when it comes to feeling ill but it’s important you take the right medication for what you’re experiencing. For example, if you’ve got a stomach bug, then you’ve likely got diarrhea. Regular painkillers aren’t likely to help as much as diarrhea relief tablets would. Migraines would benefit from painkillers and a cough or cold might benefit from a liquid medication. 

Plenty Of Rest

Getting plenty of rest is definitely important when it comes to flushing sickness out. Your body is likely fighting an infection and therefore it’s going to need plenty of rest in order to recover. You’re likely to be more tired and fatigued. Rest and plenty of sleep is needed, even during those times where you don’t feel like you need to sleep. 

The more sleep you get when you’re ill, the better and quicker you’re going to feel. So get yourself to bed.

Eat Healthy to Flush Sickness Out

Eating healthily is important for your body because it needs the nutrients and relevant minerals needed to keep the body fighting fit. Try not to fall for the junk food because this won’t help during a time where your health isn’t normal. There will be plenty of time for treats and take-outs after you’ve recovered. So try to eat healthier while you’re sick by upping the vegetables and fruit intake.

Flushing sickness out of your system, like a cough or cold, will take longer if you don’t follow the tips above. Look after yourself properly and you’ll be back to your usual, healthy self in no time at all. That’s what you want, after all, right?

How to Feel Better About Life

How to Feel Better About Life

We get to a point in our lives where we want to feel better about life. It may be that you feel zapped of energy, bloated and lethargic, and negative and unconfident. These things can make you feel less than adequate. It doesn’t have to be this way though. You can change the way you feel and start to feel good about yourself. This can be as simple as implementing some positive lifestyle changes. 

Maybe you’re not sure what changes you can and should make and whether they’ll positively impact you. There are several things that you can do to feel much better about yourself. With that in mind, here are some of the things you could consider doing. 

Change your diet

One of the first things you can consider to feel better about life is to change your diet. Is your current diet unbalanced? If so, consider eating a full range of the food groups. What you put into your body is ultimately what you get out of it. Furthermore, a complete diet change could be on the cards if you believe it will help and thus enter into it already motivated. You can choose from many approaches like Keto, Paleo, vegetarianism, or a vegan diet. Once you’re in a new diet, monitor things like your energy levels, skin condition, and sleep quality. Then tweak it if need be.

Give up alcohol

Alcohol is one of those things that many people enjoy when socializing or relaxing in their home. A small glass of wine here, a bottle of beer there, it can all seem harmless. While there is nothing wrong with indulging in a few alcoholic beverages here and there, overconsumption is not healthy. Through applying more self-control, you’ll begin to see improvements with your health and lifestyle just by managing your intake.

Look after your skin

One of the easiest things to help you feel better is to focus on your skin. There can be many different factors that affect your skin like overall health, environment, and hygiene. If you are seeking to improve your skin health, ramp up your skincare routine. Experiment with different products and brands, such as Aesop skincare for example. Another action you can take towards better skin health is to improve your skincare routine. Try to cleanse and moisturize daily. Have fun with a new face mask a few times a week. And drink plenty of water to help improve skin tone. 

Get more sleep

Another way to feel better about life is to ensure you are getting adequate quality sleep. After quality rest, you’ll feel amazing. The goal is to get uninterrupted sleep and establishing a bedtime routine to transition into sleep time. A warm drink before bed, no screen time and devices, and a good book could make the world of difference. 

Exercise more

Exercising is a great way to feel better about life. After all, exercise offers a healthy dose of endorphins. This gives you that triumphant and happy feeling. However, if you are new to exercising, you may feel overwhelmed by soreness, waning of motivation, and establishing a routine. Start off small. Begin by making the decision to be a little more active each day. Take a walk, join a gym, or do yoga in place of watching television.

Focus on your mindset

Finally, focus on your mindset. This is the biggest tool you have because the mind is powerful. It can hinder your chances of doing anything such as changing your lifestyle or exercising due to a negative thought process. Work on your mind by focusing on positive thinking and feeling grateful for all the things you have going well in your life. It can make a huge difference in helping you to feel better about life. 

How to Declutter Your Life with Felice Cohen

How to Declutter Your Life with Felice Cohen

Do you have some issues with clutter? I certainly do! I’ve turned a kitchen drawer into a junk drawer and haven’t been able to open it fully for years. I’ve inadvertently turned my attic into a storage unit, minus the climate control. I have things up there from 2005 when I first decided to temporarily store them there until I could go through them.

Yeah. I needed a declutter expert.

Well, the universe answered my call for help and sent me an expert organizer to be on my Curves Welcome podcast! Tune in to here Felice Cohen’s simple to apply tips.

In our chat, Felice shares:

  • Tips on ways you can declutter your life immediately
  • How clutter affects us physically and emotionally
  • Biggest lessons on living large in a small space (90 feet to be exact!)
  • And more!

About Felice Cohen:
Felice Cohen is an author of 5 books, a professional organizer, motivational speaker and Holocaust educator. She’s shared her tips on living large in a small space on many platforms, including Good Morning America, NPR, ABC News, WNBC, CBS NY, and more.

Check out her infamous YouTube video of her 90-square-foot Manhattan studio.

Connect with Felice: https://felicecohen.com

Here’s to success with your declutter endeavors!