10 Unique Ideas To Boost Your Health Today

10 Unique Ideas To Boost Your Health Today

Looking after your health is so important, from your mental health to your physical health. If you’re looking to improve your health routine today, check out these ten unique ideas.

1 . Learn new recipes

If you want to get healthier why not try learning some new recipes? There are so many places that you can find healthy recipes, from food blogs to healthy eating apps. When you learn new recipes regularly you’ll gradually improve your cooking skills. The better you get at cooking the more likely you’ll be to experiment with nutritious ingredients. Check out apps like Green Kitchen for a huge range of delicious and healthy recipes. Healthy food doesn’t have to be boring, there’s so much variety out there!

2. Write in a journal 

Writing in a journal can help you to support your mental health and practice self-care. There are so many ways that you can use a journal, here are a few examples:

  • You can use a journal to write an account of what you do each day, focusing on memories and reflections.
  • Perhaps you’d like to use a journal to work through difficult emotions or problems you are facing.
  • You might use your journal as a poetry journal, or a space to practice creative writing.

3. Practice positive affirmations

Practicing positive affirmations is a great way to boost your health but what exactly are positive affirmations? These are positive statements, they are designed to dismiss negative thoughts and focus on optimism. You can write down positive affirmations, or speak them out loud. The idea is to lift your spirits and improve your mental health by channeling positive energy. Here are some examples from Moreland:

‘I am full of energy and optimism.

I am ready to find joy.

I can overcome negative thoughts & situations.

I possess the qualities I need to be successful.’

4. Go wild swimming

Wild swimming is a fantastic way to boost your health, you’ll get a great workout, raise your endorphin levels and explore nature. Swimming has so many health benefits, from improved cardiovascular health to relaxation. If you choose to try cold water swimming you’ll get even more health benefits. Here are a few of the benefits of cold water swimming:

  • Can help to improve your circulation.
  • Can boost the immune system by raising your white blood cell count.
  • Coldwater swimming helps to raise your metabolism levels.

5. Help others

If you’re looking to improve your health the key is helping others. Studies have shown that helping others can help to improve your mental health. There are so many charitable schemes that you can get involved with. If you’d like to volunteer to support a good cause try the volunteer match site. Volunteer Match This is a great place to find volunteer roles, both online and in person. You can browse thousands of different opportunities, using the search filters to focus on your interests. A few app-based opportunities include:

  • Be My Eyes
  • Run For A Reason
  • Golden Volunteer Opportunities.

6. Set goals

If you’re serious about improving your health it can be useful to set a few goals. The right health goals can serve as a great motivational tool. You might be looking to improve your diet, try new things or improve your self-care regime? When you’re setting goals, be honest with yourself and keep your goals realistic. Writing down your goals is a great way to motivate yourself. It’s also a good idea to keep your goals time-specific and break them down into smaller steps.

7. Niche exercise activities

We all know that exercise is the key to staying healthy. The problem is gym sessions can get a little dull! Challenge yourself to try out a few niche exercise activities. You might try SUP yoga, Kung Fu, or swing dancing? You might like to find exercise classes that also have a social element (for example hiking groups). Meetup is a great place to search for groups, there is a range of categories to choose from, including sports, wellness, arts, and culture.

8. Try new supplements

Want a quick way to boost your health? Consider trying a few new supplements. Plants and herbs can support the body in so many different ways. If you’re looking to reduce stress and anxiety try using supplements like valerian, St John’s Wort, or CBD oil. Looking for some supplements to boost the immune system? Consider using ashadwagana or elderberry. If you’d like to lose weight check out Dao Drops for boosting metabolism, these are made from plant-based ingredients including green tea extract and dandelion root.

9. Try sleep apps

Getting a good night’s sleep is so important, a lack of sleep can affect your immune system and your mental health. To help you improve your sleep try using these apps:


This is a fantastic app for sleep, it includes audios that play soothing music and sounds from nature. There are also sleep stories to choose from. Simply choose a sleep track you like, and feel yourself drift off. The app allows you to customize your sleep stories and music, you can change the background noises to find the right ambiance.


Using this app you can choose from meditation or sleep tracks, the sleep tracks are relaxing stories that will help you to drift off. If you experience stress or anxiety, calm is a fantastic tool.

10. Connect with nature

Connecting with nature is an amazing way to boost your health. Studies show that being in the natural world raises our endorphin levels, helping us to feel happy and energized. There are so many ways that you can connect with nature. You might try hiking, foraging, or swimming.

With lots of ways to perfect your health regime, you’ll soon get on a positive track. From journaling to goal setting and learning new recipes there are so many ways to nourish your body and mind.

Top Ten Tips To Exercise Safely

Top Ten Tips To Exercise Safely

Most people can safely take light to moderate exercise, although it’s wise to speak to your doctor before you take on a more strenuous routine. If you have any questions about your health, especially if you haven’t been active recently, it’s wise to consult your doctor, as well as using these tips to stay safe while you exercise. 

If you have any injuries or health conditions, you should speak to your doctor, Chiropractor, or other medical professionals in charge of your care before you start an exercise routine. You should also do this if you’re having trouble with symptoms like dizziness, shortness of breath, or chest pain. 

Tips to Exercise Safely

Once you have been given the go-ahead, use these tips to avoid injuries and exercise safely. 

  1. Take five to ten minutes to properly warm up and cool down. 
  2. Start slowly and increase your activity level gradually unless you already exercise on a regular basis. 
  3. Keep in mind that training too hard or too often can cause overuse injuries like stress fractures, stiff joints, sore muscles, and inflamed ligaments and tendons. Sports that put repetitive wear on the same parts of the body, such as jogging which puts wear on your knees, ankles, and feet, are often culprits of injuries like this. Rest properly, and change up your routine to avoid this. 
  4. Listen to your body. If you feel unwell or very tired, take a break. If you can’t finish an exercise session, feel faint after exercise, or experience a pot of aches and pains in your joints, cut back. 
  5. If you have to take a break from exercise, come back with a lower level of exercise at first. For example, if you’ve had a break from strength training, light a lighter weight or do fewer reps or sets when you return. 
  6. Drink plenty of water. If you’re working out hard, choose a drink that will replace fluids and essential electrolytes. 
  7. Wear clothes and shoes that have been designed for the exercise you’re doing. Shoes should be replaced every six months. 
  8. Good form is essential for strength training. When you’re learning the exercise, start with no or very lightweight until you’ve learned the move properly. Don’t rush to finish or struggle to lift a weight that is too heavy.
  9. Exercising in hot, humid weather can lead to overheating and dehydration. When temperatures are high, slow your pace down, or try to work out in an air-conditioned gym, or during cooler morning and evening times. Headaches, dizziness, nausea, faintness, cramps, and palpitations are signs of overheating. Stop if you experience them.
  10. If you’re exercising outside in the cold, dress properly for the cold to avoid hypothermia. Wear layers that you can take off as you warm up. 

Delayed muscle soreness can start 12 to 24 hours after a workout, and will gradually fade. This is normal. However, persistent or intense muscle pain that starts during or right after your workout, or soreness that stays for more than one or two weeks, means you should call your doctor.

4 Methods to Stop Creating Habits You Don’t Want

4 Methods to Stop Creating Habits You Don’t Want

Do you have habits that you would like to stop but can’t seem to break? Don’t worry, there’s a way out of this pattern! 

Understand the Reason for Your Habit

Understanding the reason behind your habit is the first step to changing it. For example, let’s say your habit is snacking on sweets in the afternoon. You know that this causes you not to lose weight effectively. Understanding why a good place might start. 

Maybe the reason for your sweet tooth is because you’re feeling down or anxious about something else. Looking at what triggers these feelings can help with determining how to change them. For human beings to reason, you need time to mull over information. But ideally not when you’re raging hungry! 

Here’s an idea: get up from your desk. Take a walk around the block. Come back and see if those cravings have subsided. If they haven’t, try drinking some water before you resume your work. This way you don’t end up eating a whole bag of chips because you’re frustrated.

Talk to Someone

Talking will help you to get your feelings out of the way. If you’re feeling depressed, chat with someone who can listen attentively and offer their support. You can also enroll in different support groups and programs like mental health treatment programs. This will help you share and grow in your journey. 

If you’re trying to quit something harmful like drugs or alcohol, talk about it with any supportive person in your life. Seek someone willing to help you hold yourself accountable for what is good for your health.

The important thing here is that if talking doesn’t work, there might be other more serious underlying issues at hand. You may need professional attention from an expert on this subject matter, such as a therapist or counselor. Seeking their help could very well save your life!

Accept and Embrace the Change

Accepting and embracing these habits may be difficult. But it is the first step to making a change and leaving your old ways behind. Realize that these habits are not permanent but temporary. They will eventually go away if you try hard enough to make the change. It may be challenging at first, but anyone can do it.

Acceptance is the first step to moving forward. However, sometimes you have to let go of the past and embrace that it will never be what you want or expected. It is hard but sometimes necessary!

Surround Yourself With Positivity

The fourth method to stop creating habits is to surround yourself with positivity.  When positive and uplifting people surround you, it can help you escape your negative patterns. Focusing on what you like about yourself and those around you helps push the negativity out of life. 

It is okay if someone else does something that makes you feel bad. Remember, there is a difference between feeling angry or justified in your anger. If you need support after experiencing an emotionally draining situation, reach out for assistance from those who love and care about you. They can remind you how strong and capable you are.


You cannot control everything that happens. You’ll always have triggers and emotions that affect your behavior. However, by understanding this, you can try to change habits little by little in a healthy way so they don’t overwhelm you.

You may not be able to stop repeating negative patterns entirely. Still, with some self-awareness, support from others, and surrounding ourselves with positivity, you can begin the process of creating new positive habits for life!

Undoing Bad Habits After The COVID Lockdown

Undoing Bad Habits After The COVID Lockdown

For most of us, life completely changed during the COVID pandemic as we were confined to our houses. Even though the lockdowns are coming to an end and life is slowly starting to return to normal, that doesn’t mean that things are going to be exactly the same as they were before. 

During the lockdowns, many of us picked up bad habits. We have carried them with us, even as we head outside again. If you want to protect your physical and mental health during this transitional period, it’s important that you look at these behaviors and take steps to change them. These are some of the bad habits that you need to undo after the COVID lockdown. 

Excessive Drinking 

When you’re cooped up in your house for days, it’s hard not to get cabin fever. Much of the time, this led to excessive drinking for people who wanted to pass the time or calm their nerves. When you didn’t have to get up for work or go out anywhere, it was easier to convince yourself that it’s fine to drink more regularly.  Unfortunately, if you got used to drinking excessively during the lockdowns, your brain can easily rewire itself to crave alcohol. If you are seriously concerned, you should get in touch with American Addiction Centers for some advice on how to cut down again. If you don’t tackle this habit now, it will only get worse and start causing serious health problems for you. 

Unhealthy Eating  

With so many people locked up in their houses with only takeout to eat, it’s not surprising that over half of the United States population gained at least ten pounds during the COVID pandemic. Even when supermarkets started opening again, most people didn’t want to go out and start running errands all over again. A lot of people also got into the habit of comfort eating because they were anxious about the situation. So, as things get back to normal, take a look at your diet and make some positive changes. This is especially important because an improved diet can protect you from the more serious symptoms of COVID. 

Overusing Social Media  

With so many apps to allow you to talk to your friends during the COVID lockdown, it’s not surprising that so many people increased the amount of time they spent on social media. However, excessive social media use can have a huge impact on your mental health and your productivity. So, as you start heading outside and getting back to normal again, try to keep your social media use to a minimum. You can get some great apps to limit screen time if you are finding it difficult. 

Lack Of Structure and Routine 

When you are stuck at home, it can be easy to let your day-to-day routine slide. When people were out of work for months due to the pandemic, their normal routine went out of the window. But routine is important if you want to stay happy and healthy. You should pay attention to the way that you break up your days and even if it seems a bit rigid, start planning your time so you can develop a good routine

We’ve all picked up bad habits during the lockdown and you shouldn’t feel bad about it. However, you do need to focus on breaking those habits before they get worse. 

Which Foods are Bad for your Immune System?

Which Foods are Bad for your Immune System?

Your immune system truly is a complex system. It incorporates a lot of biological functions as well. Ideally, it helps to protect you against any harmful pathogens which can include viruses and bacteria. That being said, recent studies have shown that the modern diet could be harming your immune system. On top of this, it could also be doing irreversible damage. If you want to make sure that you are not harming yourself then this is the guide for you.

Sugary Foods

Just like fried or even fatty foods, refined sugar is a huge risk to your health. Sugar isn’t just found in chocolate bars and sweets. It’s also present in yogurts, fruit juices and even processed carbohydrates. Even though most guidelines say that you should consume around 30g of sugar a day, you can find half of this in a simple glass of fruit juice. Even though this intake of sugar can exaggerate skin problems, it can also upset your sleep patterns and interfere with your digestion. It can also affect your immune system by promoting inflammation or even inhibiting your immune system. If you want to change things up, then try and opt for quality dark chocolate or even homemade desserts as you know exactly what goes into it.

Salty Foods

You might not think that you add any extra salt to your diet, and this is fine, but unfortunately, the high presence of salt can really work against you either way. If you want to help yourself then you need to cut down on the amount of processed foods that you eat. You also need to make sure that you try and cook fresh food. If you can do this, then you will soon find that it is easier than ever for you to really benefit yourself.

Bad Fats

Once again, it would seem that unhelpful fats are hidden in a lot of different foods. Researchers often hypothesize that fats are heavy in Omega-6 and this can weaken your immune system. It contributes to underlying inflammation, and this is the last thing that you need. Studies have shown time and time again that if you can reduce your intake of fatty or fried foods then this can help you to restore your body’s own defense system and this can really make a huge difference to your life.

Eliminate Red Meat

Red meat is often thought of as being a great source of iron and it also contains other nutrients as well. Experts don’t often see a problem with incorporating a little bit of red meat in your diet, but you have to make sure that you do it in moderation. Red meats such as lamb and pork do contain a unique sugar which is Neu5Gc. If you eat large amounts of red meat, then your immune system could recognize this sugar as being a pathogen and it could cause a low-grade inflammatory response. If you want to combat this, eliminate, or cut down on the amount of red meat that you eat.

Here’s how Regular Exercise Can Benefit You

Here’s how Regular Exercise Can Benefit You

Exercise is very good for you, but do you know how good it is? Exercise can boost your mood and it can also drastically improve your sex life too. If you want to find out how exercise could help you then this is the guide for you.

Exercise Helps you to Control your Weight

Exercise can stop you from gaining too much weight and on top of this, it can also help you to maintain weight loss too. When you engage in any form of physical activity, you will burn calories. The more intense you do the activity, the more calories you will burn. Regular trips to the gym may well be good but at the end of the day, if you can’t find a huge amount of time to exercise then you may be better off just doing what you can. Some exercise is better than none at all. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, or even walk to work. Little things like this can really help you to build consistency.

Exercise Combats Health Conditions

Are you concerned about heart disease? Maybe you are hoping to stop your blood pressure from rising too much. Either way, it doesn’t matter what your weight is right now because exercise can boost the amount of good cholesterol that is in your body and it can also decrease any unhealthy triglycerides too. This will keep your blood flowing nice and smoothly and it will also help you to decrease the chances of you developing cardiovascular disease. If you want to exercise but can’t because you have a bad back, then it may be worth chatting with a chiropractor.

Exercise can Boost your Mood

Do you need a bit of a lift? Maybe you want to blow some steam because you have had a really stressful day. Either way, a session at the gym or even a nice walk can help you out a lot here. Physical activity can help to stimulate a lot of chemicals in the brain, and it can also help you to stay happier, healthier and relaxed. When you work out, you will also find that you lose weight, and this can help you to rocket your body confidence.

Exercise and Energy

Are you winded by grocery shopping? Maybe household chores really tire you out. Either way, by doing physical activity, you can stop yourself from becoming tired so easily. Exercise is ideal if you want to build your endurance as well as your muscle strength. Exercise helps to deliver oxygen to your tissues, and it also forces your cardiovascular system to work far more efficiently. This means that over time, you will have more energy to take care of any day to day chores you may have.

Promoting Sleep

Struggling to get to sleep at night? Then you should know that exercise can help you to get to sleep faster. It can help you to deepen your sleep as well- just make sure that you don’t work out too close to bedtime because if you do, then you may be too energized to go to sleep, so keep this in mind.