Curves Welcome Blog

Welcome to my blog where you are free to interact in a safe, friendly place. I come here often to write about my writing journey, positive living, taking action and inspirations.

Here’s Why I Blog:

Writing helps me sort out life’s twists and turns. Life is certainly full of them, offering lessons at every bend in the road. With each curve I come across, a new message seems to stare me in the face, begging for me to take notice, learn from it, and move onward. If I didn’t write, I don’t know if I’d stop and listen to what life is trying to teach me. You see, I’m always on the lookout for interesting adventures to ponder and then reflect on through stories and blog posts. Writing books is my fuel, and exploring ideas through blogging is my catalyst.

Please feel free to explore past posts and join in the discussions.

Wishing you the best always!


Simplify Your Life with 8 Simple Strategies

Simplify Your Life with 8 Simple Strategies

To simplify, we need space. Space protects us from clutter, which is really a terrible hindrance to a clear and relaxed mind. The complexity that comes along with ‘stuff’ that we accumulate through the years can choke the life out of us.  Why is this? Well, I’m going...

Relax with Deep Breathing

Relax with Deep Breathing

Back when I originally wrote this post, I needed to relax. I found that by deep breathing, I gained a sense of control over my emotions. When I learned this, the week had been a whirlwind! A good whirlwind, but still quite a wild ride. My head was spinning and I did...

The Dance by Suzie Carr

The Dance by Suzie Carr

I started to write The Dance after watching a TedTalk video with Dr. Marla Spivak about the declining honeybee populations. I immediately felt the need to write a story that would bring to light ways an individual could learn about these magnificent creatures and help...

Everything is Temporary

Everything is Temporary

Recently a friend of mine ran into some troubling adversity. I tried earnestly to say something that would help, but I was at a total loss for words. The situation was a tough one, and no words seemed adequate. What do you say to someone who suffers from devastating...

Get Outside of Your Comfort Zone

Get Outside of Your Comfort Zone

The comfort zone is a place that paralyzes many. It drains the energy needed to sustain the long legs of a purposeful journey. This may be why many claim that it’s beneficial to get uncomfortable. The Dynamic Beat Beyond the Comfort Zone To stand at the edge of that...

Be Ready for Opportunity

Be Ready for Opportunity

Opportunity is everywhere and available to all of us. We only need to open our eyes to it. Then, it’s up to us to recognize and take hold of it. It took me decades to understand this concept about opportunity. There was a time when I would say, “Wow, that person is so...

Being Authentic

Being Authentic

I did it. I took an important authentic step forward. I looked that irrational fear in the eye and told it to go away, for good. It was no longer welcomed in my life. My Authentic Step On Wednesday, January 13, 2016, I had the extreme pleasure of ‘coming out’ as my...

Living in the Present Moment

Living in the Present Moment

“That’s the problem these days. We’re all too busy, aren’t we? We work ourselves to the bone and for what? To find out one day that we may have caused ourselves to get sick? So then we end up spending the rest of our days fighting for our lives instead of being able...

Interview with Shellie Blum

Interview with Shellie Blum

Shellie Blum Exemplifies Perserverance. Shellie Blum is a woman who has overcome many obstacles to get to where she is today, a woman inspiring others to never give up in the face of adversity. I first met Shellie through social media, and her daily posts on Instagram...

Feed Your Joy

Feed Your Joy

So I started this new program founded by one of my role models, John Assaraf, called Neuro Gym Winning the Game. I’m loving it. It’s basically a program that involves a lot of daily meditation and visualization. Since I’ve been listening to his audio sessions, ideas...

Beyond the blog – books by Suzie Carr