Curves Welcome Blog
Welcome to my blog where you are free to interact in a safe, friendly place. I come here often to write about my writing journey, positive living, taking action and inspirations.
Here’s Why I Blog:
Writing helps me sort out life’s twists and turns. Life is certainly full of them, offering lessons at every bend in the road. With each curve I come across, a new message seems to stare me in the face, begging for me to take notice, learn from it, and move onward. If I didn’t write, I don’t know if I’d stop and listen to what life is trying to teach me. You see, I’m always on the lookout for interesting adventures to ponder and then reflect on through stories and blog posts. Writing books is my fuel, and exploring ideas through blogging is my catalyst.
Please feel free to explore past posts and join in the discussions.
Wishing you the best always!
Common Mistakes to Not Overlook During Injury Recovery
Injuries are a natural part of life that we all experience occasionally. You must implement a clear rehab plan, whether sustained on the sports field or around the home. A doctor or physiotherapist is the best person to tell you which exercises should be completed...
10 Ways to Provide Support in a Family
The essence of family is to support each other. Your parents supported you when you were born and as you grow up, and you will help them after they retire and maybe have health issues that require your care. In an ideal world, all families would get along and support...
Stand Tall: The Spinal Saga from Cradle to Cane
Life is a delicate balancing act. And your spine, that marvel of bioengineering, plays an integral part. Let's travel together through each life stage to see how our spine fares against life's trials and tribulations. The Bouncy Years: Spine in Childhood Ah, to be...
5 Ways to Embrace Your Body
This article explores how to embrace your body so you can do the things you want to do that make you happy.
4 Ways To Reduce Stress & Feel Great
You deserve to feel your best each day you wake up. However, stress and anxiety can sometimes get in the way of achieving this goal.
Changes To Your Life That Will Make You Feel Better
You can make specific changes that will make you feel better. To do this, you will have to pinpoint the things in your life that you are not happy with and start working out a plan to change them. It’s not always the easiest thing in the world to achieve, and it will...
How to Get Your Elderly Parent to Accept New Living Arrangements
When it comes to aging, one thing is for sure; it will get to the point where the kids get into that parental and guardianship role over their parents. It gets to the point where the kids have to run errands for their parents, pick them up from activities, cook their...
4 Self Care Tips to Remember When Dealing with Court
Court cases, settlements, and lawsuits are nothing but stress-inducing. Here are some self-care tips while dealing with the court.
What Steps Can You Take To Boost your Mental Health?
If you don’t feel as though your mental health is quite as good as it could be then you are not alone.
Why Is It Important To Confront Your Fears?
Fear is a hugely powerful emotion that can easily hold us back from doing things in life and achieving our full potential.