Curves Welcome Blog

Welcome to my blog where you are free to interact in a safe, friendly place. I come here often to write about my writing journey, positive living, taking action and inspirations.

Here’s Why I Blog:

Writing helps me sort out life’s twists and turns. Life is certainly full of them, offering lessons at every bend in the road. With each curve I come across, a new message seems to stare me in the face, begging for me to take notice, learn from it, and move onward. If I didn’t write, I don’t know if I’d stop and listen to what life is trying to teach me. You see, I’m always on the lookout for interesting adventures to ponder and then reflect on through stories and blog posts. Writing books is my fuel, and exploring ideas through blogging is my catalyst.

Please feel free to explore past posts and join in the discussions.

Wishing you the best always!


Top Ten Tips To Exercise Safely

Top Ten Tips To Exercise Safely

Most people can safely take light to moderate exercise, although it’s wise to speak to your doctor before you take on a more strenuous routine. If you have any questions about your health, especially if you haven’t been active recently, it’s wise to consult your...

Perfecting Your Health Regime

Perfecting Your Health Regime

With the way of the world today, it is super important to focus on your health. This can mean different things for different people. Health is a broad, umbrella term – but we all know that it is vital to our wellbeing. Here are some fast and fun tips to help you...

How to Step into Your Personal Power

How to Step into Your Personal Power

There’s an important balance point that many of us miss in our lives, causing us to live in a state of constant struggle. We want to live with purpose but often get stuck in that place in between fear and freedom. Understanding how to tap into our personal power is...

Beyond the blog – books by Suzie Carr