How to Build Emotional Resilience

How to Build Emotional Resilience

Building emotional resilience is a selfless act of love that can help you experience a sense of well-being in a hectic world. Let’s face it, life can get pretty stressful and hectic, whether it is surrounding your work or social life. So at times you probably find that you put your own wellbeing last, particularly when you live with other family members and are perhaps accustomed to looking after their needs first. But over time this lack of attention for yourself can have a negative impact, so finding time to do what you enjoy is very important. 

Bottling Up Your Feelings Is a Bad Habit  

When you are constantly battling through various scenarios in your life you might find that you learn how to build emotional resilience against any unexpected issues that arise. But in reality not looking after your own mental wellbeing can be damaging. So instead of bottling up all your emotions and just thinking ‘oh well, I don’t need to deal with this right now’ could be harmful in the long run. So allow yourself to deal with different emotional scenarios by talking to someone you feel comfortable with and writing down any stresses or concerns that may be bothering you. 

Not Sleeping Enough Affects Your Body’s Wellbeing

You might think you feel fine after only a few hours of sleep each night and that your body is able to function, but after a while this can have an effect on your body’s ability to fight off any infections, which is particularly rife around fall time. So try to find time to catch up on sleep and create a relaxing bedtime routine

Enables You To Enjoy Your Own Company 

There is nothing wrong with wanting to spend time on your own, unwind, and enjoy your own company. Essentially you should aim to do this as often as you can, so that you can spend time doing what you thoroughly enjoy and it enables you to process your own thoughts and feelings.

You Can Achieve Your Ambitions and Goals 

You don’t want to go through life putting your own ambitions and goals on the back burner, so try to remind yourself that you have dreams too to fulfill. Even if you haven’t realized them yet, you still can if you give yourself the opportunity to. Instead of putting yourself at the back of the queue, try to find time to pursue your own interests otherwise you might regret not fulfilling your ambitions. 

It might not come naturally to you but if you are someone who is used to putting other people first, then you need to try and get into the habit of focusing on your own well-being both physically and psychologically. You deserve to be happy.

Carving Your Own Life’s Path

In this episode, my special guest, Samm Shave, shares her thoughts on living life on her own terms. We chat about the benefits of claiming your own future according to your own ideals as well as marinate over the downfalls that can occur when you don’t. 

Listen on your fav podcast player or watch the interview on YouTube.


About Samm Shave

Samm is a shipping and receiving manager and aspiring lesfic author by day and a dog mom, nature explorer and all around Jill of all trades by night!

How to Take Your Passion For Fitness Even Further

How to Take Your Passion For Fitness Even Further

It can take a while before you really feel like fitness is a part of who you are. But it’s oh so good when it is. Once you’re thinking primarily in terms of your body, you’ll be able to adopt practices that ensure you’re well on your way towards feeling your best. And that’s a gift that will serve you for the rest of your life. 

And the good news is that you don’t just have to settle for a few benefits. There are things you can do that’ll allow you to take your passion for fitness even further. In this blog, we’re going to run through some of the smartest ways to make the most from your fitness passion and knowledge.

Challenge Yourself

It’s a challenge to get up off the couch and decide that you’re going to dedicate some time to your fitness. But you shouldn’t stop challenging yourself once you’re over that hurdle. There’s always more that you can do. If you feel like you’ve hit a plateau with your fitness regime, perhaps now’s the time to look at stepping things up. What about a challenge? The type of challenge you take on will depend on the type of activity you do, but there’ll always be something. Could you plan to run a marathon, for instance? 

Start a Website

It’s likely that you’ve got a wealth of useful information and advice related to fitness, especially if you’ve been on something of an interesting journey towards good health. In that case, why not put that information to good use? One way to do this is to start a website where you can share tips, recipes, workout routines, and more. If writing isn’t your medium, then you could also consider hosting a podcast or creating a YouTube channel. If the information is useful enough, then there’ll be people who are interested in what you have to say!

Make It Your Career

Another option is to look at turning your passion for fitness into a career. If you really love everything related to the gym and physical improvement, then why not study for personal training certification online? Once you have that, you’ll be able to work in gyms with members of the public who want to become healthier. You won’t just make a living this way; you’ll also have plenty of job satisfaction, too!

Overall Wellness

Finally, if you’ve figured out that looking after your body is beneficial, why not focus on other areas of your health, such as your mental wellbeing? The truth is that once you begin the healthy journey, you often find that there are so many things you can do to feel good inside and out, all the time! 


With a little bit of work and effort, you can ensure that fitness becomes a fundamental part of your identity. Once you’ve done that, you’ll begin to feel the many benefits that it can bring to your life, including having more energy and feeling your best when you’re older. Best of luck!

7 Ways to Make Yourself Happy

7 Ways to Make Yourself Happy

What makes you happy? Some people say it’s being with friends. Others swear by family time. But there are many ways to be happy. It is essential to be self-sufficient to take care of your own happiness and not rely on others for it.

You Are One Of A Kind

Don’t compare yourself with other people because everyone is different. Instead, try and learn from them.

Activity That Makes You Smile

Spend time on something that interests you or makes you happy each day. For some people, this might be reading the newspaper, while for others, it might be meditating in nature. Whichever activity you choose, make sure your life is better in some way.

Grateful Heart 

Be grateful every day. Writing down three things you are grateful for each night before you go to bed. Or simply taking some time out of the morning to think about what went well the previous day and thank yourself for it. A great way to make yourself happy is through appreciation, whether it’s thinking back over good memories from yesterday or looking forward to another amazing day tomorrow. Take time at least once a week to give yourself credit where credits are due. Never fail to appreciate all of your accomplishments because they’re chances to celebrate your own awesomeness.

Be Your Own Greatest Cheerleader 

Be kind to yourself. Treat yourself like you would treat a close friend because, after all, you deserve the best. Remember that self-care is just as crucial for happiness and mental health as it is for physical well-being. Don’t neglect this part of life; be good to yourself today and every day moving forward by practicing kindness towards yourself in everything you do (and don’t!) Do slip on some comfy clothes and give yourself time for pampering when needed. Don’t skip taking care of your emotional needs so that they become unaddressed issues down the road, which may potentially lead to depression. Even if it means calling in professionals, like psychotherapist services. Taking care of yourself is a priority. 

Surrounded By Happiness 

Surround yourself with other positive and uplifting individuals because they will only reinforce the good in your life. If someone is bringing down your mood or making it difficult for you to be happy, then take a step back from them so that you can maintain a more positive state of mind. You have no obligation to keep negativity in your life when there are so many beautiful opportunities out there just waiting for you to embrace them.

Beauty Sleep 

Get enough sleep every night because tiredness can have a negative impact on your mood and mind state, making it harder for you to be happy. The lack of sleep won’t just make you feel groggy all day long but also more stressed. You need at least eight hours of quality shut-eye each night to function properly. Avoid using technology (e.g., TV, phones) close to bedtime. The blue light emitted from these devices has been known to interfere with our body’s circadian rhythm and ability to get those much-needed Zzzzs before bedtime. Don’t give yourself less than seven hours of restful slumber if you want to feel your best tomorrow. However, do follow a relaxing bedtime routine to unwind and get yourself ready for the next day.

Make Time To Be Happy 

Take time out of each morning or afternoon to do whatever makes you happy. Whether it’s visiting friends, reading your favorite book, or watching Netflix in bed (just make sure you’re not staying up too late). Make time for yourself to do the things you love as soon as possible. If we allow our lives to fill up with too many other responsibilities, it takes longer for us to get around to doing what makes us happy. Life is all about balance, so make sure that your happiness doesn’t fall by the wayside! Instead, block out an hour or two each afternoon/morning specifically for things that bring you joy. Don’t spend this precious time procrastinating instead of doing something enjoyable. It’s only going to leave you feeling guilty down the road when there are more important tasks waiting patiently on your To-Do List.

Want To Feel Healthier? Try These Tips

Want To Feel Healthier? Try These Tips

We all would like to feel healthier. But how do we get there? A balanced diet and exercising will be the obvious ways of doing so. As effective as these are, they’re not always an option.

If you’re not able to take advantage of these, then you might want to find other methods to look and feel healthier. There are a few things that you could consider. If you’re struggling with how to feel healthier, then check out some things below to keep in mind.

How To Feel Healthier

Don’t Compare Yourself To Others

A great way to feel healthy is to make sure that you know your body and its needs. When you’re doing so, you shouldn’t compare yourself to others. If you do so, you could end up concentrating on things that mightn’t be right or healthy for your body.

That could give you an unrealistic view of what’s possible for your body. If you pursue that, you could end up feeling more and more unhealthy over time. Avoid that at all costs.

Try Some CBD

More people have found how effective cannabidiol, otherwise known as CBD, can be for them. Multiple studies have highlighted the health benefits that it can offer. These span a wide range of areas. Some of the more minor include joint pains and muscle aches.

It can also help with some larger issues, including the symptoms of anxiety and depression. That could make it a recommended choice if you’re wondering how to feel healthier. There are some things you’ll want to consider if you take this route, however.

One of the more notable is finding the right dosage for you. There are several options available, but it’s worth starting off small with them. You might also be worried about the risk of a CBD overdose. This shouldn’t be possible, especially if you’re using high-quality products.

Dress Your Mood Up

There can often be days where you’d rather dress in your pajamas and not leave the house. While these days can often be necessary, you shouldn’t make this style your only style. Even if you don’t have to leave the house every day, it’s worth putting the effort into dressing up.

As minor as this might seem, it can have more of an impact on you than you might think. Over time, you could find that you’ll start feeling healthier and more positive over time. That could make it a recommended way to help look after your mental health.

Wrapping Up

Figuring out how to feel healthy can be difficult. Even if you exercise regularly and diet, you still mightn’t feel as healthy as you want. There could be multiple reasons why. Using each of the above could have a larger impact on this than you’d realize, despite how minor they might seem.

To properly see the benefits of these, it’s worth sticking with them for a while. The effects can often be minor at first, although you’ll see them start to grow rapidly over time.

The Art of Smiling

The Art of Smiling

The saying goes that even if you are in a bad mood, smiling affects the brain and can make you happy the more you do it. Smiling is a beautiful experience that has facts that are backed up by both psychology and even science. According to experts, it is good for both mental and physical health which is one powerful strategy to stand by in our practice for well-being. Having the world smile back at you can be a great experience. even if you just post an emoticon with a large smile or a good laugh.

The Art Of The Smile

Social media may even become a little addicting for some. That is why you need to be careful about chasing the likes and rather attempt to live in the moment regardless of whether you decide to share them with others. The reason for this is because it may take away your serotonin and replace it with anxiousness or depression. Smiling and laughter is a very natural response for most people, especially in a comfortable setting that allows the joy to spread. It’s a very good thing because it is healthy for us. Regardless of whether you want to go to the dentist to perfect that smile and get dental implants or just give it a little tender loving care, try and own your smile with confidence. As they say, the secret to happiness is with a smile and some laughter.

What smiling does to your brain

There are numerous strategies to help you perfect your smile. As well as reasons why smiling is good for your health. Smiling tricks your brain into believing it is happier than it is, as many studies have shown to increase serotonin and productivity. It triggers those amazing feel-good chemicals we search for in our lives from our brain’s pleasure center. Smiling is known to be excellent for your brain and health. But it may be hazardous for your mental or emotional health in the long run if individuals use it to disguise how they feel all the time. Since you might never fully allow yourself to feel your emotions and process your ideas in a secure and supportive environment. Both aspects of smiling can have a significant role in a person’s happiness and life satisfaction.

What smiling means in different cultures

Smiling is good for you but in other countries, it may be interpreted differently. Understanding a smile from around different parts of the globe can give you an interesting take on what we may not give much consideration to at times. There have been a lot of studies surrounding expressing your happiness in different cultures around the world. According to certain research, the western culture is more vocal about their feelings and pleasure in general than certain cultural backgrounds found in the east. Smiling would be viewed differently depending on the situation and person you are conversing with. It all may also boil down to faking it so that you can feel that emotion and respect.