Curves Welcome Blog

Welcome to my blog where you are free to interact in a safe, friendly place. I come here often to write about my writing journey, positive living, taking action and inspirations.

Here’s Why I Blog:

Writing helps me sort out life’s twists and turns. Life is certainly full of them, offering lessons at every bend in the road. With each curve I come across, a new message seems to stare me in the face, begging for me to take notice, learn from it, and move onward. If I didn’t write, I don’t know if I’d stop and listen to what life is trying to teach me. You see, I’m always on the lookout for interesting adventures to ponder and then reflect on through stories and blog posts. Writing books is my fuel, and exploring ideas through blogging is my catalyst.

Please feel free to explore past posts and join in the discussions.

Wishing you the best always!


4 Signs You Might Need a Hearing Aid

4 Signs You Might Need a Hearing Aid

A hearing aid can often seem to be something of an embarrassment to some who may need it. Some may even forgo wearing one because of its appearance. However, technology and engineering have allowed some hearing aids to be virtually invisible to the eye, and so there’s...

Helping You Look and Feel Your Best

Helping You Look and Feel Your Best

When it comes to looking and feeling our best, we all know that sometimes we can struggle and are never too sure on how to act to help us feel better. Sometimes it is about physical appearance and other times it is about feeling your best from within. So how do you...

What Matters in Your Fitness Journey

What Matters in Your Fitness Journey

What does ‘fitness’ mean in 2020? After all, most of us know that we will never try to audition to become Mr. or Ms. Olympia, nor will we enter the Olympics, nor will we try and launch a swimwear modeling career. If you hope to do that, more power to you. But it can...

4 Health Tips to Follow as You Age

4 Health Tips to Follow as You Age

As you get older, it’s inevitable that you’re going to see your body change more and more. We’re all deteriorating as we age, and that means bones get weaker, skin loses its elasticity, and we can feel more aches and pains. Here are four health tips to follow as you...

Fun Ways to Look After Your Health

Fun Ways to Look After Your Health

If you think that looking after your health is boring or a chore, you’re not alone. Many people avoid taking the steps they know they need to take to look after themselves because they just can’t find the excitement and fun in it. That doesn’t mean it’s not there,...

Tips for Caring for an Aging Parent

Tips for Caring for an Aging Parent

Every year, many people choose to care for their elderly relative at home. As long as the situation is safe for everyone, keeping your elderly parents at home is a fantastic thing for you to do. At the same time though, you have to remember that senior care is easily...

Helping a Loved One Through Cancer

Helping a Loved One Through Cancer

Cancer is a diagnosis that nobody wants to hear. The diagnosis alone can be overwhelming, never mind the process of treatment that may follow. So, if a loved one of yours is diagnosed with cancer, you may feel at a loss as to what you can do to help them. On a...

Beyond the blog – books by Suzie Carr