“See here’s the thing about fear. The more I allow it in, the stronger it becomes. It takes on its own power and becomes my leader. I’m not okay with following that. I’m not okay with bowing my head to it in reverence, as if it were a mightier force than me and had any rights to my freedom.” – Becca, The Journey Somewhere
If anyone understood the complexity of fear it’s Becca James from Tangerine Twist and The Journey Somewhere. Imagine a musician with stage fright?
Fear is Real – as real as we make it, that is.
I think as long as a person views fear as an opportunity to grow, it can serve a healthy purpose.
As part of my ten day “you” challenge… I’m going to reveal my 8 Fears.
I Fear:
1. Getting old.
2. Becoming irrelevant to those important to me.
3. Crowds.
4. Regrets.
5. Negative book reviews.
6. Disappointing people.
7. Losing touch with what’s important.
8. Missed opportunities.
Anyone who knows me, understands I can’t leave you with a negative feeling about such a powerhouse feeling as fear.
How I View Fear
Looking at my list, I see a lot of growth opportunity in each item. I can choose how I handle fear. I can allow these 8 fears to cage me or to release me. I choose release – ALWAYS.
How? Well, with each one I can turn the emotion around from negative to positive by simply asking myself the question: How can I grow from this fear?
My answer will always be something positive, because I asked an affirmative question.
What are your deepest fears, and what affirmative question can you ask yourself to turn them around and serve you positively?