Deciding to change your career path is never trivial and when you want to turn to the profession of medical administrator, it is essential to be focused. It is not an easy profession. Long hours, difficult situations and plenty of activity. It will keep you busy. But what does a professional retraining as a medical administration entail? You should firstly consider training. If you already have qualifications in this field, then you could consider an online masters in health administration. So, what are the expected qualities? What does the job of remote medical administrator actually consist of? What are the advantages of this profession?

Work in health administration 

The main mission of a remote medical administrator is to make medical appointments, keep patient records up to date and write health check-ups. They may need to enter texts and reports on a computer, saving data and printing health documents. As an intermediary between the doctor and the patients, the medical administrator may deal with delicate relationships. Therefore, a calmness and sense of duty is vital.

Usually, a medical administrator works with several practitioners, either in a medical office, in an analytical laboratory or in a hospital department or clinic. This is also the case for a remote medical administrator who will work with several practitioners through a call center. It involves a lot of communication. It may be that you are also the link between the different medico-social institutions. Therefore you will always be someone’s first port of call. 

The qualities expected for a retraining in medical administrator

Even if this job seems an administrative position, being a medical administrator is above all a job of human contact. It is a vocation and that is why we talked about choices in the introduction. This professional retraining presupposes having strong human qualities as well as a rigorous managerial spirit. Having a good relationship is vital, because you must show a sense of communication. Also, you must convey discretion as you are bound by medical secrecy. You may have to be compliant with certain regulations also.

Benefits of becoming a medical administrator

Here are some benefits of working within the medical sector to consider: 

  • Working as a medical administrator is both difficult and rewarding, because you are continuously in contact with people. Including, patients, medical corps, medical structure etc.
  • It is also a profession that can be practiced in many fields. This includes ophthalmology, gynecology, general practitioner, etc. 
  • The variety of tasks makes it possible to meet several needs at once.
  • Finally, another advantage of this job is that it is possible to perform it remotely.
  • Yes, becoming a remote medical administrator allows you to work from home or from a medical call center. It offers real flexibility and high availability. You may be able to work whenever you want and dictate your hours. This depends on where you are working.
  • It is often down to you who determine the workload, the duration of it and its frequency.
  • The pay is above average and comfortable. 

Tasks to undertake

The work in admin is often varied but can also feel repetitive. However, you are likely to come across new cases and information often. This makes the work much more exciting. Essentially you will be an assistant to a doctor or consultant. 

Organizational tasks  

The varied everyday life of a doctor’s assistant does not only take place behind the reception desk, but the medical assistant also has organizational tasks. As an all-rounder, the doctor’s assistant manages the balancing act between bureaucracy and medical care and masters both equally. Between appointments, medical care and inbox, the doctor’s assistant always keeps an overview.

Helping with medical care

In addition to the organization of the practice, you will also be responsible for the first medical care of the patients. You may advise the patient on questions and can give them advice on how to assist with well-being. You may have to record patients’ vitals on the computer, keep track and monitor information and record correlations. You may sit in on meetings with patients and therefore get a deeper knowledge of many medical cases. 


Communication and helpfulness are of fundamental importance. You can find a variety of areas to work depending on your interest in medicine. Working with computer systems is another prerequisite but oftentimes, training is offered. With the necessary qualifications, such as a degree or a masters, you will find the job a breeze and any industry professional would be glad to work alongside you.