Curves Welcome Blog

Welcome to my blog where you are free to interact in a safe, friendly place. I come here often to write about my writing journey, positive living, taking action and inspirations.

Here’s Why I Blog:

Writing helps me sort out life’s twists and turns. Life is certainly full of them, offering lessons at every bend in the road. With each curve I come across, a new message seems to stare me in the face, begging for me to take notice, learn from it, and move onward. If I didn’t write, I don’t know if I’d stop and listen to what life is trying to teach me. You see, I’m always on the lookout for interesting adventures to ponder and then reflect on through stories and blog posts. Writing books is my fuel, and exploring ideas through blogging is my catalyst.

Please feel free to explore past posts and join in the discussions.

Wishing you the best always!


6 Practical Skills Everyone Should Learn

6 Practical Skills Everyone Should Learn

I learn lot of life lessons through my characters. They teach me things about life, love, and balance. For instance, when writing Beneath Everything, Sarah taught me how to stop rushing through life and how to discover my purpose. I learn a lot through them. And, I...

How Complaining Hurts You

How Complaining Hurts You

Complaining feels therapeutic. It even creates a sense of intimacy with friends. Let’s face it, sometimes a woman just wants to complain, right? It feels good to get things off the chest. We bond with friends and lovers over these venting sessions. We empty our souls...

5 Things Keeping you from Happiness

5 Things Keeping you from Happiness

Happiness is one of those things we all strive to achieve. After all, no one sets out to be unhappy. Though, I’ll admit, sometimes a woman needs a moment to allow emotions to sink in before she’s ready to move on and put the past in the past or the future out in front...

The Secret to Staying Dynamic

The Secret to Staying Dynamic

Here’s the secret to staying dynamic – be willing to let go and change. While in the middle of writing my newest novel, Beneath Everything, I was on a live radio show with Bernadette Boas from Shedding the Bitch and we had a great conversation about dealing with...

How to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed

How to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by a project? Do you ever get stuck staring at the task at hand, contemplating its enormity and wonder how in the world you will even be able to take a first step towards tackling it? Overwhelming Tasks Nothing screams overwhelming like a...

How to Focus Better

How to Focus Better

Learning how to focus better can bring astonishing benefits to life. To achieve goals, it’s imperative to gain control over your habits. Binge-Worthy I’ve been on a serious Netflix binge lately and it’s really messing with my productivity. These Netflix television...

How to Increase Self Control

How to Increase Self Control

To increase self-control requires a person to make sacrifices. Although this sounds terrible, it’s the best thing you can do for your future. Okay, let me first start off by admitting I’m a sucker for sugar and for television marathons on rainy weekends. In...

How to Say No

How to Say No

When I learned how to say no to people, my life finally took shape. It’s never easy to turn someone away. But, at times, it’s necessary. I used to have a hard time saying no to people. It didn’t matter if I shared the same bloodline as them or never even met...

How to be a Good Conversationalist

How to be a Good Conversationalist

A good conversationalist holds the golden ticket to personal and professional success. If you can converse effectively, you will go far in life. Conversation I went out for lunch the other day with a group of people, and something really bothered me that I thought...

How to Remove Clutter

How to Remove Clutter

To remove clutter will open you up to a brand new view on life. When your landscape is clear, you can move forward with ease. Clutter is like the sneaky cold virus that comes in on a whisper. At first, you don’t notice its entrance. It hides in the quiet recesses of...

Beyond the blog – books by Suzie Carr