I’ve been busy for the past two weeks creating a bunch of new video and audio content. I love challenging myself to learn new things about the world. I don’t know what I’d do with mysef if I wasn’t always diving deep into learning and sharing mode. Well, below are links to the things that have been occupying my time recently.
A quick shoutout to you all for being so fabulously supportive with The Pet Boutique. Bumblebee would be so happy and beside herself with joy to know how much her character of Cashmere has meant to everyone. She was loved, and she knows it! hahaha Thanks for keeping this story afloat in the top ten on Amazon. And I can’t tell you how much the positive reviews mean to me.
FB Live Video with a Q&A on The Pet Boutique (Don’t worry – no spoilers!)
A reader sent in a thought-provoking question about Taylor and the power in a nudge. She wanted to know if I experienced such a life-changing nudge myself from friends and even strangers that set me on a new course in life.
Writers – I did a new Live YouTube video for you!
I get a lot of questions about beta readers, what they are, how to work with them, and where the heck to find them. So, I figured, it was time to share some of that info with you.
All you need to know about beta readers
My Favorite First Kiss Scene
I love a good first kiss. I mean, who doesn’t? If you say meh, I don’t believe you! hahaha Perhaps more than experiencing that first kiss with someone special, writing about that first kiss between two people who belong together is equally as exciting. Here’s my take on that…