With every new launch day, and this is my 13th, butterflies swarm my tummy and take me on a giddy and anxious ride. It’s a thrilling day for any writer. I was inspired to write this story by my sweet and spunky sidekick. My beloved, Bumblebee, is in this story with all her spirited glory as Cashmere. I took all the wonderful memories I have of her and her silly antics and placed them in this story so I’ll always be able to come back to it and fondly remember her as the lovely furbaby she was. 

Here’s a quick blurb of The Pet Boutique: 

From the moment Lexie Tanner meets Taylor Henshaw in the dilapidated space that will one day become her aunt’s pet boutique, she knows she’s got her work cut out for her. Taylor self-identifies as a complicated woman, and there’s nothing Lexie enjoys more than a good fixer upper. But Taylor’s complications run deep, and way into her past. Surrounded by an eccentric and spirited group of family and friends, including a spunky and lovable dog named Cashmere, the two women navigate a series of obstacles that have them questioning their choices. As their journey unfolds, neither women is prepared for what happens when they start to break down the old and discover the new.



Writing a book is a team effort, and I’m so grateful I have an incredible team by my side. They see me through moments of doubt and anxiety, and also through moments of elation when the words start to click into place and I feel I have a story to tell.

To my beta team, Jennifer Morris, Felicia Haggerty, Dana Holmes, Alakshendra Tripathi, and Ted Beveridge, I am incredibly grateful for your honesty and support through this writing process. Thank you for taking my work seriously and for helping me to turn it into something I’m proud to share with others.

To my editor, JoAnn Collins, thanks for combing through every single word and helping to right the wrongs. Also, thanks for teaching me something new each time.

To Joanna Darrell, for your continued support. You keep me going, always reminding me why I do what I do. Thank you for being my friend and my greatest ally in this literary world!

To one of my best friends, Michelle Grondin, thank you for sharing your adoption story to help me better understand how Stephanie might’ve felt. I’m grateful that you helped me understand the intricacies of the adoption process and the emotions that go along with it.

To my sister and dear friend, Debra Ferranti, for always believing in me and helping me to heal after the loss of my sweet Bumblebee.

To Dorina Jasparro, for always being my cheerleader and for being the best auntie to Bumblebee, a.k.a. your sweet Cashmere.

To Hector, for being you and encouraging me to be me.

To my readers, for opening your hearts to me with your support and encouragement.

And finally to my lovable and loyal Bumblebee, for bringing so much joy to my life and to this story. May this tale honor you in the very best light and allow your sweetness to remain in the hearts of all those you touched with your silly and exuberant spirit. Thank you for being my best friend and sidekick through it all…