Maintaining good health during the pandemic is possible. We’re living through extremely odd times. The coronavirus pandemic has taken the whole world by surprise. Very few of us were prepared. We suddenly found ourselves living under lockdown guidelines to prevent the spread of a deadly virus this year. For the past couple of months, the majority of the world has needed to take a break from the routine of living as social beings and stay put away from others. Talk about trying times!
A Big Ask
We’re being encouraged to work from home and not socialize with those we don’t live. We must only leave our home when absolutely necessary – to get food or medication. These restrictions can take a toll on us both physically and mentally. This new way of living has dumped a boatload of feelings on us and it’s hard to know how to deal with them. We’re stressed, overwhelmed, lonely, and tense.
Maintaining your health during the pandemic is critical. You must prioritize your health and follow guidelines to be safe. It’s important not only for our own safety, but for the safety and sake of others and the already overwhelmed healthcare systems.
If this new way of temporary living is starting to cause your nerves to rattle, we’ve got some ideas to help.
Here are a couple of ways to keep you as safe as possible and help you to maintain your health during the pandemic.
Use Telehealth Services
Many people are reluctant to go to the doctors right now, justifiably so. This is understandable. Nobody wants to spend time in a waiting room near people who are unwell. Also, spending time in close proximity to a doctor can raise a few nerve cells. They’re around unwell people all day long, which further adds risk to our own well-being. But, the power of the internet has gifted us with the ability to participate in Telehealth services. These serves allow you to talk to doctors via a video link. This means you can still have a consultation without having to worry about chances of transmission of the virus.
Try Home Workouts
It’s recommended that the average adult gets 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise a week, or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic exercise a week. This advice is more important than ever because it helps us maintain our health during the pandemic in a way we can control.
Many of the traditional ways in which we’re used to exercising has changed, however, making it difficult to maintain our routine. The gym or the public outdoor spaces are closed. Personal trainers have cancelled sessions. Fitness classes have been called off. Sports teams have put training on hold. So what’s a person to do?
Many of us can’t make up from down, left from right when it comes to how to get our recommended exercise. But hey, don’t worry too much! There are different ways to hit your fitness goals.
Easy Tips
One tip is to head to an open local park to walk, jog, run, or cycle. Just make sure to socially distance and keep at least six feet between you and others who may be out exercising in the same area. Another option is to try home workouts. There are so many different free tutorials online that you’re bound to find something that ticks your boxes. Popular options include aerobic tutorials, yoga tutorials, ballet barre workouts, and more! I personally love Pop Sugar Fitness YouTube channel! Another that looks interesting that I’ll be checking out is yoga flow from Ohana Yoga in Denver.
So there you have it! These are just a couple of different things you want to do when it comes to maintaining good health during the pandemic. They’ll help you to deal with any sickness you may be experiencing right now and will also help you to maintain good all around health.
I started using a new meditation app called Calm. I love it. It offers me a relaxing and gentle way to wake up to a new day. It helps me set my brain on a good wave pattern to set me up for a positive day. The meditation exercises are typically 10 minutes in length and are guided by a reassuring and pleasant narrator. They remind you how to stay focused while grooming your emotions to settle into a good groove. I always leave each session empowered to tackle whatever the day tosses at me.
Over to you. What’s your go-to method for maintaining your good health during the pandemic?
Stay Awesome,