Bumblebee (a.k.a. Cash) | February 16, 2006 – July 15, 2018
To our sweet Bumblebee,
When you first entered your forever home, you won us over with those beautiful, warm, soulful eyes of yours. You had a way of speaking right to our hearts without speaking a single word. You shared volumes with your cute expressions and exuberant moves.
You filled our life with so much love. You taught us how to love fully and unconditionally, and how to bend with the many curves in life. You always taught us how to stay flexible and grateful no matter what the curves tossed. We made it through so much together, and we made it through stronger and wiser. You were at the heart of every decision. That’s why saying goodbye is so hard. We don’t know what life will be like without you physically in it.
We do still feel you with us in spirit. You’re walking alongside of us, already guiding us and introducing us to others who help lift and shine light on the dark corners of heartbreak. Thank you for that gift most of all because we can’t imagine facing life without your presence.
You touched many people, offering them the gift of laughter, smiles, and love (and, if we’re being honest here, possibly a bit of fear in some! You were very protective of us, after all!). In all seriousness, the amount of people who reached out to us when news of your passing broke is a testament to how much love you brought to this world. We see you everywhere – in the kind words of friends, in the playful smile of children, and in the stories shared with strangers who comforted us during this first week.
It’s hard Bumblebee, so hard to not feel this emptiness in our hearts. You and your sweet brother, Sunshine were our babies.
I miss being a mom. I miss cooking your food. I miss taking you on daily walks. I miss your spunk, your bark, your playfulness. Those eyes of yours, oh they filled me with such love and peace. Your eagerness to serve and to embrace the life around you created such a dynamic desire for us to seek out what it was you saw in everything. You noticed the beauty in this world – in the starlight, the grass, the flowers, the bees, the wind and its ability to stir life with a feeling of intense significance.
We know that one day our hearts will hurt a little less and be filled with the comfort and blessing of peace, a peace in knowing we got to share a part of our lives with one of the most selfless and loyal souls on Earth.
We picture you playful, bowing to a soccer ball one second and swiftly guiding it with sweet agility to your desired spot in the next. We know you are with Sunshine now, both happy and healthy in a place where warmth and rainbows bring you both immense joy.
It’s been a pleasure and an incredible treasure having you in our physical life. Your passing hurts, but we would’ve suffered so much more if we had never had the opportunity to experience your love and friendship in our life. We wouldn’t have wanted to miss out on any of this. Not for one second.
You lived life abundantly, and for that we’ll forever be grateful to God. Your happiness is all we ever wanted for you.
We look forward to the day we are all reunited and can journey together in a place where playtime, sunny skies, long walks, peaceful naps, and cuddles await. Thank you for the lessons and abundance of love.
We love you with all our heart. Rest in peace, baby girl.