Here is a perfect opportunity to use the principle of keeping it simple. To get results, you don’t have to drive yourself crazy cramming in all sorts of nutty activities. That will just set you up for failure. Instead, keep it simple by doing this one effective thing: Schedule your Priorities.
You Get Results When You Focus
A great way to achieve focus is to create habits or routines around a certain action that will help advance you forward towards your goal. When you create an action step routine, it’ll likely get done. And, if it’s a priority, it should get done!
Get Results by Zeroing in on Top Priorities
Here’s what I do to keep my priorities in check. I list out my top three most important things that I want to accomplish, and then I put them on my vision board. From there, I create a habit or routine around each priority.
For instance, my health is my top priority. So, to get results in this area of my life, what I do is take my calendar, and I physically schedule my workouts every single day. Well I take one day off as a rest day, but you get the picture. It’s on my calendar, therefore it’s something I’m committed to and have decided is something that has to get done.
Make It a Priority to Get Results
When you do this, you have a greater chance of achieving your goals and your priorities, and hence you get results!
Don’t leave what’s most important to you up to chance. Schedule it, get it done, and, feel great that you accomplished it. Simple as that.
Do you agree? Have you done this before? And has it worked? Do you think you can get results by scheduling actions steps towards them?